Online drop-in consultations

What to expect

Our online drop-in appointments over Zoom will provide the same VCU Writing Center experience. Consultations will be one-on-one and focused on your specific concerns and goals. Using all the virtual tools at our disposal, your consultant will collaborate with you to make you feel like a more confident writer. 

Unlike scheduled appointments, but similar to in-person drop-ins, you will enter a queue which will be serviced on a first come, first served basis. 

What you need to know

  • Online drop-in hours are available from 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Fridays.
  • Online drop-in appointments are not guaranteed. When you fill out a drop-in request form, you will be entered into a queue and notified when there is a spot available.
  • Use this link to submit a Drop-In Request form. Select “Online” as your modality.
  • After you complete the form, when there is a drop-in spot available, you will receive an appointment notification in Navigate with the Zoom link for your appointment.
  • Once you receive the Zoom link, you have 10 minutes to join the session before you are marked as a no-show.

See our general Online Consultations page for further information.